Tenant manager users and roles on CloudFerro Cloud

Differences between OpenStack User Roles and Tenant Manager’s Roles

An OpenStack role is a personality that a user assumes to perform a specific set of operations. A role includes a set of rights and privileges. A user assuming that role inherits those rights and privileges. OpenStack roles are defined for each user and each project independently.

A Tenant Manager role, on the other hand, defines whether a user should have the ability to manage an organization via the Tenant Manager or have access to OpenStack.

What Are We Going To Cover

  • The difference between User Roles and Tenant Manager Role

  • List three basic roles an organization administrator you can assign

  • Show how to add a member+ role, which can have access to OpenStack and be used for managing projects

Users and Roles in the Tenant Manager

After logging into https://portal.cloudferro.com/ click on the Sub-accounts button on the left bar menu.


Here you are able to:

  • Check your organizations’ list of users and their roles

  • Remove users from or add them to your organization (admin role)

As an organization administrator you can assign one of the following roles to a user:

  • admin - user with highest privileges, can manage whole organizations and has access to OpenStack.

  • member - default user with basic privileges.

  • member+ - the same as member but has OpenStack access and can manage projects.

Adding member+ user to your project in OpenStack using Horizon interface

Users with the role of member+ have access to OpenStack and can be enabled to manage your organization projects. They cannot however, manage the organization itself.

To add a member+ user to the project, follow these steps:

1. Check if your user has a member+ role in Tenant Manager.

2. Log into https://horizon.cloudferro.com as an admin.

3. Select IdentityProjects


4. Select the project you want to add a user to and select Manage members


5. Add the desired user(s) to the project by clicking on the “+” button next to them.


6. Choose a suitable project role for the user and confirm by clicking Save in the lower-right corner.


7. Next time the user will log into https://horizon.cloudferro.com OpenStack Horizon, the suitable access to the project will be granted.

What To Do Next

The article Inviting new user to your Organization shows how to invite a new user.

To the contrary, article Removing user from Organization shows how to remove a user from the organization.

The article /accountmanagement/Accounts-and-Projects-Management is a general guidance to creating and managing accounts and projects on CloudFerro Cloud.