Block storage and object storage performance limits on CloudFerro Cloud
On CloudFerro Cloud, there are performance limits for HDD, NVMe (SSD), and Object Storage to ensure stable operation and protect against accidental DDoS attacks.
Current limits
- Block HDD
500 IOPS (read and write)
- Block SSD/NVMe
3000 IOPS (read and write)
NOTE: On CloudFerro Cloud, all SSD storage is NVMe-based (except CF2 cloud).
- S3 Object Storage (General Tier)
2000 operations per second with a
2500 burst limit per bucket and
150 MB/s transfer per request
In majority of cases, the actual throughput may be larger because:
Typical downloads use multiple requests and
More than 99.95% of requests stay below 100 MB/s.
Again, this limit primarily helps mitigate accidental DDoS scenarios.